.. _quickstart: Quickstart ========== To use ``mltrace``, you first need to set up a server to log to. You will need the following utilities: * Python 3.7 or later * Docker_ * Postgres_ * Yarn_ .. _Docker: https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop .. _Postgres: https://www.postgresql.org/download/ .. _Yarn: https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install/ Server ^^^^^^ On the machine you would like to run the server (can be your local machine), clone the latest release of mltrace_. In the root directory, start the server by running: .. code-block :: python docker-compose build docker-compose up [-d] You can access the UI by navigating to ``:8080`` (or localhost:8080_ if you are running locally) in your browser. .. _mltrace: https://github.com/loglabs/mltrace .. _localhost:8080: http://localhost:8080 Client ^^^^^^ To log to the server using the client library, install the latest version of mltrace on the machine executing your pipelines by running: .. code-block:: python pip install mltrace Next, you will need to set the database URI. It is recommended to use environment variables for this. To set the database address, set the ``DB_SERVER`` variable: .. code-block :: python export DB_SERVER= where ```` is either the IP address of a remote machine or ``localhost`` if running locally. If, when you set up the server, you changed the URI in ``docker-compose.yaml``, you can set the ``DB_URI`` variable (which represents the entire database URI) client-side instead of ``DB_SERVER``.