mltrace documentation

mltrace is a lightweight, open-source Python tool to get “bolt-on” observability in ML pipelines. It offers the following:

  • interface to define data and ML tests for components in pipelines

  • coarse-grained lineage and tracing

  • Python API to log versions of data and pipeline components

  • database to store information about component runs

  • UI and CLI to show the trace of steps in a pipeline taken to produce an output, flag outputs for review, and identify what steps of the pipeline to investigate first when debugging

mltrace is designed specifically for Agile or multidisciplinary teams collaborating on machine learning or complex data pipelines. A more detailed blog post on why the tool was developed can be found here.

Design principles

  • Simplicity (users should know exactly what the tool does)

  • Rinse and repeat other successful designs
    • Decorator design similar to Dagster solids

    • Logging design similar to MLFlow tracking

  • API designed for both engineers and data scientists

  • UI designed for people to help triage issues even if they didn’t build the ETL or models themselves


We are actively working on the following:

  • Component input and output monitoring

  • Stateful testing (i.e., being able to use historical component inputs outputs in testing and monitoring)

  • API to log from any type of file, not just a Python file

  • Prometheus integrations to monitor component output distributions

  • Support for finer-grained lineage (at the record level)
