Source code for mltrace.entities.base_component

Base Component class. Other components should inherit from this class.
import json
import logging
import typing

from mltrace import client
from mltrace import utils as clientUtils
from mltrace.db import Store, PointerTypeEnum
from mltrace.entities import utils
from mltrace.entities.base import Base

import functools
import inspect
import io
import git
import sys

[docs]class Component(Base): def __init__( self, name: str = "", owner: str = "", description: str = "", beforeTests: list = [], afterTests: list = [], tags: typing.List[str] = [], ): """Components abstraction. Components should have a name, owner, and lists of before and after tests to run. Optionally they will have tags.""" self._name = name self._owner = owner self._description = description self._tags = tags self._beforeTests = beforeTests self._afterTests = afterTests
[docs] def beforeRun(self, **kwargs): """Computation to execute before running a component. Will run each test object listed in beforeTests.""" for test in self._beforeTests: test().runTests(**kwargs)
[docs] def afterRun(self, **local_vars): """Computation to execute after running a component. Will run all test objects listed in afterTests.""" for test in self._afterTests: test().runTests(**local_vars)
[docs] def run( self, inputs: typing.List[str] = [], outputs: typing.List[str] = [], input_vars: typing.List[str] = [], output_vars: typing.List[str] = [], input_kwargs: typing.Dict[str, str] = {}, output_kwargs: typing.Dict[str, str] = {}, endpoint: bool = False, staleness_threshold: int = (60 * 60 * 24 * 30), auto_log: bool = False, *user_args, **user_kwargs, ): """ Decorator around the function executed: c = Component() def my_function(arg1, arg2): do_something() arg1 and arg2 are the arguments passed to the beforeRun and afterRun methods. We first execute the beforeRun method, then the function itself, then the afterRun method with the values of the args at the end of the function. ADD DESCRIPTION HERE ABOUT INPUT VARIABLEs and what they are """ inv_user_kwargs = {v: k for k, v in user_kwargs.items()} key_names = ["skip_before", "skip_after"] def actual_decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Construct component run object store = Store(clientUtils.get_db_uri()) component_run = store.initialize_empty_component_run( component_run.set_start_timestamp() # Assert key names are not in args or kwargs if ( set(key_names) & set(inspect.getfullargspec(func).args) ) or (set(key_names) & set(kwargs.keys())): raise ValueError( "skip_before or skip_after cannot be in " + f"the arguments of the function {func.__name__}" ) # Run before test if not user_kwargs.get("skip_before"): all_args = dict( zip(inspect.getfullargspec(func).args, args) ) all_args = { k if k not in inv_user_kwargs else inv_user_kwargs[k]: v for k, v in all_args.items() } all_args = {**all_args, **kwargs} self.beforeRun(**all_args) # Create input and output pointers input_pointers = [] output_pointers = [] # Auto log inputs if auto_log: # Get IOPointers corresponding to args and f_locals all_input_args = { k: v.default for k, v in inspect.signature(func).parameters.items() if v.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty } all_input_args = { **all_input_args, **dict(zip(inspect.getfullargspec(func).args, args)), } all_input_args = {**all_input_args, **kwargs} # print(all_input_args.keys()) input_pointers += store.get_io_pointers_from_args( **all_input_args ) # Run function local_vars, value = utils.run_func_capture_locals( func, *args, **kwargs ) component_run.set_end_timestamp() # Add input_vars and output_vars as pointers for var in input_vars: if var not in local_vars: raise ValueError( f"Variable {var} not in current stack frame." ) val = local_vars[var] if val is None: logging.debug(f"Variable {var} has value {val}.") continue if isinstance(val, list): input_pointers += store.get_io_pointers(val) else: input_pointers.append(store.get_io_pointer(str(val))) for var in output_vars: if var not in local_vars: raise ValueError( f"Variable {var} not in current stack frame." ) val = local_vars[var] if val is None: logging.debug(f"Variable {var} has value {val}.") continue if isinstance(val, list): output_pointers += ( store.get_io_pointers( val, pointer_type=PointerTypeEnum.ENDPOINT ) if endpoint else store.get_io_pointers(val) ) else: output_pointers += ( [ store.get_io_pointer( str(val), pointer_type=PointerTypeEnum.ENDPOINT, ) ] if endpoint else [store.get_io_pointer(str(val))] ) # Add input_kwargs and output_kwargs as pointers for key, val in input_kwargs.items(): if key not in local_vars or val not in local_vars: raise ValueError( f"({key}, {val}) not in current stack frame." ) if local_vars[key] is None: logging.debug( f"Variable {key} has value {local_vars[key]}." ) continue if isinstance(local_vars[key], list): if not isinstance(local_vars[val], list) or len( local_vars[key] ) != len(local_vars[val]): raise ValueError( f'Value "{val}" does not have the same ' + f'length as the key "{key}."' ) input_pointers += store.get_io_pointers( local_vars[key], values=local_vars[val] ) else: input_pointers.append( store.get_io_pointer( str(local_vars[key]), local_vars[val] ) ) for key, val in output_kwargs.items(): if key not in local_vars or val not in local_vars: raise ValueError( f"({key}, {val}) not in current stack frame." ) if local_vars[key] is None: logging.debug( f"Variable {key} has value {local_vars[key]}." ) continue if isinstance(local_vars[key], list): if not isinstance(local_vars[val], list) or len( local_vars[key] ) != len(local_vars[val]): raise ValueError( f'Value "{val}" does not have the same ' + f'length as the key "{key}."' ) output_pointers += ( store.get_io_pointers( local_vars[key], local_vars[val], pointer_type=PointerTypeEnum.ENDPOINT, ) if endpoint else store.get_io_pointers( local_vars[key], local_vars[val] ) ) else: output_pointers += ( [ store.get_io_pointer( str(local_vars[key]), local_vars[val], pointer_type=PointerTypeEnum.ENDPOINT, ) ] if endpoint else [ store.get_io_pointer( str(local_vars[key]), local_vars[val] ) ] ) # Directly specified I/O if not callable(inputs): input_pointers += [ store.get_io_pointer(inp) for inp in inputs ] output_pointers += ( [ store.get_io_pointer( out, pointer_type=PointerTypeEnum.ENDPOINT ) for out in outputs ] if endpoint else [store.get_io_pointer(out) for out in outputs] ) # If there were calls to mltrace.load and, log if "_mltrace_loaded_artifacts" in local_vars: input_pointers += [ store.get_io_pointer(name, val) for name, val in local_vars[ "_mltrace_loaded_artifacts" ].items() ] if "_mltrace_saved_artifacts" in local_vars: output_pointers += [ store.get_io_pointer(name, val) for name, val in local_vars[ "_mltrace_saved_artifacts" ].items() ] func_source_code = inspect.getsource(func) if auto_log: # Get IOPointers corresponding to args and f_locals all_output_args = { k: v for k, v in local_vars.items() if k not in all_input_args } output_pointers += store.get_io_pointers_from_args( **all_output_args ) component_run.add_inputs(input_pointers) component_run.add_outputs(output_pointers) # Add code versions try: repo = git.Repo(search_parent_directories=True) component_run.set_git_hash(str(repo.head.object.hexsha)) except Exception as e:"No git repo found.") # Add git tags if client.get_git_tags() is not None: component_run.set_git_tags(client.get_git_tags()) # Add source code if less than 2^16 if len(func_source_code) < 2 ** 16: component_run.set_code_snapshot( bytes(func_source_code, "ascii") ) # Create component if it does not exist client.create_component(, self.description, self.owner, self.tags ) # Set dependencies store.set_dependencies_from_inputs(component_run) # Commit component run object to the DB store.commit_component_run( component_run, staleness_threshold=staleness_threshold ) # Perform after run tests if not user_kwargs.get("skip_after"): # Run after test after_run_args = { k if k not in inv_user_kwargs else inv_user_kwargs[k]: v for k, v in local_vars.items() } self.afterRun(**after_run_args) return value return wrapper if callable(inputs): # Used decorator without arguments return actual_decorator(inputs) else: # User passed in some kwargs return actual_decorator
@property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @property def owner(self) -> str: return self._owner @property def description(self) -> str: return self._description @property def tags(self) -> typing.List[str]: return self._tags @property def beforeTests(self) -> list: return self._beforeTests @property def afterTests(self) -> list: return self._afterTests def __repr__(self): params = self.to_dictionary() del params["beforeTests"] del params["afterTests"] return json.dumps(params)